A total of three judges at the Surabaya District Court underwent examination at the East Java High Prosecutor’s Office on Wednesday (23/10) afternoon.
The three are Heru Hanindyo, Mangapul, and Erintuah Damanik.
The Attorney General’s Office through the Junior Attorney General’s Investigation Team for Special Crimes (JAM PIDSUS) has conducted searches and arrested 3 (three) Judges at the Surabaya District Court and 1 (one) Lawyer on Wednesday 23 October 2024.
The three judges who were arrested had the initials ED, HH and M in Surabaya, while one lawyer who was arrested had the initials LR in Jakarta.
The arrest was made because it was suspected that the person concerned had committed a criminal act of corruption in the form of bribery and/or gratuities related to the handling of general criminal cases at the Surabaya District Court on behalf of the Defendant Ronald Tannur.
For your information, Defendant Ronald Tannur was acquitted by the Surabaya District Court Panel of Judges (ED, HH and M) and there were strong indications that the acquittal was because the three judges received bribes and/or gratuities from Lawyer LR.