Legal practitioner, Haposan Hutagalung advised Pratiwi Noviyanthi to report back to Agus Salim regarding the alleged embezzlement of donation money.
It is known that Agus Salim was the victim of the viral acid sprinkling and received a donation of IDR 1.5 billion for treatment.
However, after being helped by Pratiwi Noviyanthi, now Agus Sallim is reporting the YouTuber for defamation.
Now legal practitioner Haposan Hutagalung is also highlighting Agus Salim’s report, suggesting that Pratiwi Noviyanthi report back.
According to him, the purpose of the donated money was for Agus Salim’s treatment, but it was suspected that the money was misused and distributed among the family.
“The purpose of the donation was for treatment because as a victim he was doused with acid for the purpose of recovery and restoring his condition with the donation money,” said Haposan Hutagalung
Haposan said Pratiwi has a responsibility to donors if the money is misused.
“The money was collected with the motive of treating Agus, but if it turns out that the money was not used properly, Agus is in the wrong because it is someone else’s money, Novi must be accountable to the donor,” he explained.
Even so, he considered Agus Salim’s action of using donated money not for treatment to be called wrong.
“If it turns out that the donated money was used for something else that was not in accordance with its intended purpose, Agus was wrong, if necessary, Novi just report Agus to the police instead of having the donor prosecuted,” he said.
“So that later the police will determine how much went to Novi and how much Novi sent to Agus, and how much Agus used for treatment,” he continued.
“Don’t let Novi be suspected by donors of embezzling money, he is sincere from what we said earlier,” he added.
Nevertheless, legal practitioners advised Pratiwi Noviyanthi to report Agus Salim on suspicion of embezzling donation money.