Razman Nasution appeared in the conflict case between Agus Salim and Pratiwi Noviyanthi.
Agus Salim, a victim of acid spraying who was said to have misused a donation of Rp. 1.5 billion, was defended by Farhat Abbas.
Now Razman Nasution has appeared to defend Pratiwi. Razman’s presence is certainly in contrast to Farhat’s.
Razman explained that Agus Salim’s donation was made as a form of responsibility.
Therefore, Razman admitted that he was ready to help Pratiwi Noviyanthi who was reported by Agus Salim.
Razman Arif Nasution said that Pratiwi Noviyanthi did not violate the law because from the start she only intended to help.
So Novi, you can just relax, you just have to take legal action because you have been reported. “If it’s not written down, we can’t accuse either,” he said.
Pratiwi Noviyanthi even said she could report back against Agus Salim on the same accusation, namely defamation.
On the other hand, unlike Razman Nasution, lawyer Kamaruddin Simanjuntak actually defended Agus Salim.
He said that Pratiwi Noviyanthi’s actions against the man were outrageous as reported by YouTube Intense Investigation, Wednesday (23/10/2024).
In his statement, Kamaruddin Simanjuntak questioned Novi’s aims and objectives in asking for the return of the donation money that had been given to Agus Salim.
Pratiwi Noviyanthi was considered outrageous because this was a donation from the community without coercion.
“It’s not his content that makes Agus get donations from the public, right? It’s Agus’ friend’s content, so what’s the deal with Novi,” explained Kamaruddin Simanjuntak.
He even suggested that Pratiwi Noviyanthi be examined.
Because he suspects that money donated to people in need has been misused while it was in Pratiwi Noviyanthi’s foundation account.