In the midst of the excitement about Irish Bella and Haldy Sabri’s wedding, Ammar Zoni made a surprise.
Reportedly, his Instagram account has been sold. Interestingly, there are allegations that it was Mardani H Maming, former regent of Tanahbumbu, South Kalimantan (Kalsel).
This suspicion emerged after the Instagram account, which has more than 8.4 million followers, changed its posts.
Even though he still uses the account name @ammarzoni, his profile name has changed to AMMAR.
His profile photo says Ammar Hakim.
In his profile, the account turned it into a media page.
So, the account post contains the topic of Mardani H Maming, who is currently in prison for a corruption case.
A number of posts contain defense for Mardani H Maming.
In fact, there were several posts asking for Mardani Maming to be released.
Previously, he used an Instagram account with the username @ammarzoni for various personal life as well as intimate moments between him and Irish Bella.
Now, some of his and Irish Bella’s posts have even disappeared.
The @tanyakanrl account also uploaded a screenshot of Ammar Zoni’s IG account page.
This account is known to have uploaded a total of 9 posts on Instagram.
This means it happened four days after the wedding of Irish Bella and Haldy Sabri.
There are no more remaining photos of Ammar and Irish Bella on that account.
Seeing this, a number of netizens suspected that Irish Bella’s ex-husband’s Instagram account had been sold.
Various comments were then left by netizens in the upload column.
Previously, in February 2024, Ammar Zoni sold his Instagram account @ammarzoni, which at that time had accumulated a total of 8.6 million followers.
“It was sold guys for 1.2 billion, try watching the SATGAS podcast on Spotify, Mas Farhan and Tendy have already discussed it.
Cuss go there if you want to hear,” said one netizen.
So far there has been no official confirmation regarding the issue of selling the IG account from either Ammar Zoni or Mardani H Maming.