A total of 18 figures from various elements of society in Central Java will receive or win the 2024 Central Java Inspirational Figure award.
The award presentation by the Berlian Organizer organization is planned to be held at Wisma Peace, Semarang, Central Java on Friday (23/8/2024) starting at 19.30 WIB.
It is planned that the award will be given directly by the Acting Governor of Central Java, Nana Sudjana.
Chairman of the committee and initiator of activities from Berlian Organizer, Haryanto, said that the figures who received awards were considered to have made contributions and dedication through their respective professions, thus making Central Java proud, both on the local, national, regional and international stages.
“We photographed the track records of these figures and studied them based on their character and dedication. “They are some of the many Central Java figures who have given color to the dynamics of nation development,” he said.
The figures who will receive the award, namely for the government sector, are the Head of the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP) who is also the former Mayor of Semarang, Dr H Hendrar Prihadi, SE, MM, as well as the Chair of the Central Java Gerindra Party DPD, who is currently also serves as Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia, Sudaryono.
Awards in the field of government were also given to the Regent of Pemalang, Mansur Hidayat and the Regent of Kendal Dico M Ganinduto and Riena Retnaningrum, SH (Head of the Central Java Province Communications and Information Service).
In the field of Law, awards were given to Legal Experts Dr Hj Eko Suwarni, SH, MH, and Prof Dr Henry Indraguna, SH, MH (Advocate/Member of the Wantimpres Expert Team and Member of the Golkar Party DPP Expert Council), as well as Surya Kusuma Wardana, SH, MH (Lawyer / Head of Gandiwa and Partners Law Firm).